8 reasons why you should have a mobile friendly website

The Rise of the Mobile Era


It’s 2016 and you can’t go anywhere without seeing smartphones and tablets in full use. Whether you are going out to eat, shopping, church, or you name it you will find an endless amount of people nose deep in their smartphones. From social media, online shopping, getting directions to the nearest burger joint, and not excluding the newest mobile craze, Pokémon GO. Our society has an insatiable appetite for information on the go.

With mobile internet usage surpassing that of desktop, way back in 2014. Furthermore, Google searches on mobile devices have surpassed that of desktop recently as well. Meaning it’s now more important than ever to have your business’ website up to speed in our exceedingly mobile world.

In the below stats you will find 8 reasons why you should have a mobile friendly website;

  • Why following the mobile trend is key for businesses
  • What it means to be mobile-friendly, and not just a mobile website
  • How being mobile optimized can leads to more business coming in the door and register
  • Please note before reading the stats below, that mobile = smartphones and tablets

8 Mobile Stats to Keep in Mind: 

  1. 65% of all digital media traffic is consumed on mobile devices, via Wireless Week. Is your website mobile optimized? Test it now!
  2. In the United States, 54% of e-commerce traffic is consumed via mobile devices (SimilarWeb). So, those of you with online retail stores must have a “mobile-first” mentality. You can test your mobile website friendliness with different tools and emulators.
  3. “18% of local smartphone searches led to a purchase within a day compared to 7% of non-local searches.” -GoogleMobile_Google_Blog.jpg
  4. Television is still king in advertising revenue, but how long before Digital Marketing takes over? Hint: very soon, and mobile is the key component to unseating TV for the top advertising spot! –Statista.com
  5. Maybe you have a mobile website, but is it mobile-friendly? There’s a big difference in the two. Here are 10 mobile optimization tips to use for your website. –WooRank
  6. Google favors mobile-friendly websites in their rankings.
  7. Mobile commerce, tablets and smartphones, is set to grow 25.72% from 2014-2019. –Researchandmarkets.com
  8. Time is money: Time spent on Smartphones and Tablets is growing rapidly, while desktop time usage is slightly down. -comScore




By now you have seen the overwhelming power that mobile has taken upon us. How advertisers are seeking out ways to drive new and repeat business through their mobile friendly websites. Empowering users to quickly and easily access your business’ info can be the deciding force between you and the competition.    

If you are still feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the information, or how you can translate the above info into your business, click below to get your Free mobile website design assessment

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